FORUM How To Login (Focusing Joy in Movement... Thinking in Movement ... Gendlin's Philosophy of the Implicit)
To login use your user name and password you received for the Forum.
Type them into the Members Login area on the right side of the screen as illustrated here and click the "login" button.
This takes you to the home page of the Forum.
Here you will see the Forum Headings. Looking across the columns, you see beside each heading, is the number of topics, the number of posts, and the date and author of the most recent post.
Selecting a forum by clicking on it will open the page with the list of topics.
Selecting a topic opens a window with the correspondence. By default the oldest message appears at the top. Scroll down the page to read the posts.
Subscribe to a topic by clicking the "subscribe" button at the right. Subscribing to the topic will enable receiving an email notice each time there is a new post on this topic. The email contains a link, which opens your browser to the most recent post.
To reply to a post is easy. The easiest, simplest way to reply is to click in the "quick reply" window at the bottom of each page. By default the latest post is just above this window. Clicking in the window opens a larger window to write in.
Write your note here. When you have completed writing, click on the "Post Quick Reply" button below. This will post your reply and send an email notification to those who are subscribed to the post. Note the spell check. "Right click" or mac "option click" on an underlined word to use.
As well, there are "reply" buttons at the right side of each post. These open an "advanced html editor" window where you can write your reply. This is similar to writing in MS Word where you have options to select different fonts and formatting. You can add pictures and even embed videos. We'll cover these topics in later tutorials. If this is your first time using an html editor play around a bit to see what each of the formatting tabs do. The editor does not show exactly what the browser shows. You can use the "Show Preview" and "Clear Preview" buttons to get a better idea of how your post will look while you're composing.
Remember to click on the "Submit Post" button (bottom right) when you finish your letter to complete the process and send out the email notifications.
Navigating the Forum is similar to other web pages. You can use your browser's "page back" to return to previous pages. On the green tool bar there's a link to the "home" page, a "List of Users", a Search engine, "User Details" etc. You can also click on the directory levels below to jump to a previous page.
Focusing Joy in Movement -> Process Model Practice Meetings!! -> Response to Questions For Those Interested in Joining the Seminars with Rob Parker Exploring A Process Model